After buying one of our bags, wallets, or other accessories, so many of members of the Tusk family have raved to us about theirnewly formed love affair. You can even see what people are saying about it here. Just like there are no limits to what you would do to keep your special someone happy, the same should be said for your beloved handbag or wallet. Even the best accessories, like relationships, still require occasional maintenance.
At Tusk, we believe that form follows function, but that you shouldn’t have to sacrifice one for the other. By testing tons of leather care products, we found a line consistent with our core belief. With an all natural and chemical free formula guaranteed to leave your leather feeling soft, supple, moisturized and alive, Chamberlain Leather Milk is a match made in heaven for our leather. Aligned with the sustainability our brand promises, Chamberlain Leather Milk further ensures that our leathers always remain sustainable.
When you fall in love with one of our accessories, we want that love to last you a lifetime. Check outour selection of Chamberlain Leather Milk Products to give your Tusk accessory a life as long as yours.
Have questions about the products and how to use them? Head on over to our guide here.
Looking for your next beloved accessory? Check out a few of ourshere. Also, make sure to check out our newest collectionhere.