To be a leader in an ever-changing industry as a company based on generations of tradition requires deep and insightful thinking to go into the design of each of our bags and accessories. Every season, Tusk designers combine imagination and tradition to bring the beauty of both concepts to life. Diana Vreeland once said that pink is the navy blue of India and at Tusk, that could not be more true. With the rich and vibrant colors native to our founder’s birthplace of Bombay which we blend with our newest ideas, Tusk’s truly unique vision is always developing.
Take ourDONINGTON SLIM WALLET whose vibrant color and design truly encompasses what Tusk is all about:

Though a high level of thought goes into every aspect of our bags and accessories, we still take a simple approach to fashion. We stay true to our core value of form follows function while hand drawing each piece in New York. Our customers continue to fall in love with our minimalistic pieces and always rave about the durability, usability, and elegance of every style.
Interested in Tusk’s latest designs?Check out some of our new arrivals.
Also make sure tocheck out our newest men's collection.